
Add students

Add students using Airlock API

The goal of this milestone is to automate students onboarding to your college and its degrees in the AMS using Airlock API and track their onboarding in real-time.

Add students to a college

You can begin adding students to your college on our platform. If you have already integrated the Airlock SDK into your LMS, adding students using the addStudentToCollege mutation will automatically enable consumption tracking of all previously submitted resources, even if colleges, degrees, courses, resources, or students have not been verified yet.

You can link a student with their ID on your platform using an externalId property. This way, you can use your ID instead of ours.

Tracking will occur even if students have not yet purchased a degree or passed the onboarding process. This allows you to start building their educational records immediately and gives your success team a strong argument when converting these students to degree purchases in the future.

mutation {
	addStudentToCollege (email: "user@email.example", student: { externalId: $externalId }) { id }

Add students to degrees

Once a student has purchased a degree, you must add them to the related program on our platform using the addStudentToDegree mutation. This mutation works for any student, regardless of whether or not they were previously added to the AMS.

When a student is added to a degree, they will receive a notification on their dashboard about the need to complete onboarding. The Woolf widget displays an indicator for any pending tasks and provides students with access to their dashboard. If you share a link to your college on our platform, students can access their account using the email stored in the AMS.

API Mutation: addStudentToDegree

The addStudentToDegree mutation enables the enrollment of a student into a specific degree program.

Mandatory Parameters:

  • degreeId (ID!): Unique identifier for the degree program, retrievable from the college query.
  • email (String!): The student's email.
If a student's email changes on your side, you can update it in Woolf's system using the changeEmail API mutation.

Optional Parameters:

  • student (StudentInput): A structured object containing more detailed information about the student, such as:
    • externalId (String): Use this if you prefer to utilize your own user IDs for activity tracking, SDK, or API requests, instead of Woolf's IDs. Ensure this ID is unique.
    • nameFirst & nameLast (String): First and last names of the student, recommended for easier communication and search.
  • tuitionCost (Int): This parameter allows you to specify the tuition cost for the student. Although it can be omitted initially, it is especially useful if you offer personalized discounts, enabling you to set custom tuition costs for each student. The tuition cost is visible to the student on their Woolf dashboard.

Return Type:

  • Student!: Returns a Student object upon successful enrollment.

Monitor onboarding

All students who have purchased a degree are required to complete our legal onboarding process. Some of its steps can be challenging for students to navigate. Colleges must be interested in students passing it as quickly as possible, since incomplete onboarding may prevent students from graduating and lead to complaints and refunds.

You can use the student query to check information about your college students, including their onboarding statuses and learning progress. In argument β€œid” you may use external user ID, email or Woolf’s user ID.