


What does the degree application process look like for a student?

The start of the application journey for a student depends on how they are invited to apply for a degree - either manually through the Woolf Accreditation Management System (AMS) or via an API by the College.

Here's what you need to know for each scenario:

  1. Invited by College via API:
    • The student does not receive an email from Woolf to start the application.
    • The application is initiated through a widget that the College must activate for the student, facilitating the onboarding process.
    • Alternatively, students can access the application via a Floating Action Button (FAB) with the Woolf logo.
  2. Invited by College via AMS:
    • The student will receive an invitation email directly from Woolf to begin their application.
    • Clicking 'Start Application' button in the email will lead the student to the same application process.

Regardless of the invitation method, the application flow remains consistent for all students, ensuring a standardized process.

To understand each step after the initial invitation, please refer to our 3-minute video guide, which will walk you through the application process.

Running and Final Average Calculation and Rounding

How are grades calculated for Summative Assignments or Regular Assignments?

For Summative Assignments or Regular Assignments, we do not round the grades at all. Grades for these assignments should be within the range of 0 to 100.

How are Running Average and Final Average calculated?

Running Average and Final Average are calculated with precision up to two decimal places after the decimal point, and these values are expressed in percentages. This is the format provided by our API.

How are Running Average and Final Average displayed on the user interface (UI) and transcripts?

To simplify the presentation on the UI and transcripts, we use rounding to the nearest integer. For example, if the Running Average is 85.78%, it will be rounded to 86%. If it is 85.42%, it will be rounded to 85%.

What actions should I take when students complete assignments outside the LMS where the SDK cannot track their activity?

Student submissions can be synchronized via API with evidence, but only for limited assignments and exceptional cases. Please consult Woolf first.

What types of evidence are recommended for various formats of assignments?

  • Recording for Virtual Meetings (like Zoom, Teams):
    • Usage: Suitable for spoken tasks or online presentations
    • Quality: The sound and video must be clear.
    • Alternatives: You can also send a transcript of the meeting if you can't record it.
  • Screen Recording for Computer-Based Assignments:
    • Usage: Suitable for tasks done on a computer.
    • Requirements: Ideally, record the whole task or at least a large part (like 30%).
    • Quality: Text, images, and interactions must be clear.
    • Alternatives: Capture screenshots at key points, such as at the beginning, during important steps, and upon completion.
  • Proctoring Report on Assignments Taken on a Proctoring Tool:
    • Usage: Necessary to provide clear insight into student behavior during the test or task.
    • Requirements:
      • Activity Logs: A list of what the student did during the test, like when they logged in/out and all important actions.
      • Flagged Incidents: Records of potential rule-breaking by the student.
      • Screenshots or screen recordings (if applicable) taken by the monitoring tool.
      • Student credentials to identify individuals during tests.

How to Send Student Activity Data in CSV Format to Woolf

Ensure that all students and resources from the provided activity exist in Woolf, as their resource_id and student_id will be used during the import.

Please provide a set of CSV files either through Slack or email. Ensure each CSV file contains only one activity kind.

CSV File Format for student submissions

  • resource_id
  • student_id
  • submission_content
  • submission_url
  • timestamp

CSV File Format for grades

  • resource_id
  • student_id
  • grade
  • timestamp
  • teacher_id (optional)

CSV File Format for feedback

  • resource_id
  • student_id
  • feedback_content
  • feedback_url
  • timestamp
  • teacher_id (optional)

CSV File Format for meeting attendances

  • resource_name
  • resource_id
  • student_id
  • timestamp

CSV File Format for meeting recordings

  • resource_name
  • resource_id
  • recording_url

CSV File Format for consumption of publications, peer-reviewed publications, and general resources.

  • resource_id
  • student_id
  • timestamp

Column Details

  • resource_id: the resource's ID. You may use either an external ID or Woolf's ID.
  • student_id: the user's ID of a student. You may use either an external ID or Woolf's ID.
  • teacher_id: the user's ID of a teacher. You may use either an external ID or Woolf's ID.
  • grade: the grade that a student received, on a scale from 0 to 100.. Ensure to send grades for resources that have synced submissions, to prevent cases where a student receives a grade without a submission.
  • submission_content: the HTML or markdown of a student's submission. If your student submissions are in the form of a file, use submission_url.
  • feedback_content: the HTML or markdown of a teacher’s feedback. If the feedback is in the form of a file, use feedback_url.
  • submission_url: if your submission includes file-based assets, enter the relevant URL(s) in this field. If there are multiple URLs, list each one on a new line. Our system will directly download the assets from these links. Your URL should resemble https://cdn.example/asset1.ext and remain accessible for download by the Woolf team for a week after submission. It should be viewable in a private window, such as Chrome's Incognito mode, without requiring additional navigation or login to display the content.
  • recording_url: follows the same rules as submission_url.
  • timestamp: the time when a student performed an activity on your platform, formatted as an ISO 8601 string (Example: 2023-11-30T12:45:00Z)


<html> <head> <title>Student Assignment</title> </head> <body> <h1> My Bubble Sort Implementation</h1> … </body> </html>